Quickly and inexpensively confirm that the people and the data you work with is real.

Canadian & US drivers licenses
Canadian & US identity documents
International passports
Age verification
Facial recognition & facial match
Liveness testing
Address, email & mobile phone confirmation

Identity Documents

With 10 provinces and 50 states, plus all the federally-available identity cards in use, document confirmation is challenging. Origin Confirmed can cost effectively validate virtually any identity document used in North America.

Services include reading data from the front of documents while confirming the validity of the document. Decoding QR codes, barcodes and machine readable strips to extract data from the back of documents. Confirming that the front and back of documents match and that they have not been tampered with.

Enhance your workflows with automated data collection and confirmation from identity documents. This provides powerful data acquisition tools while streamlining user experiences and reducing errors. Ultimately, Origin Confirmed makes data processes simpler while providing better information to make decisions.

Facial Match

Online origination processes are challenged. Companies need to ensure that the data provided is correct and that those requesting services are connected to the data.

Facial matching will ensure that the individual offering identity documents is indeed the person on the identity document. Confirm that the face on the screen is the same as the one on the identity document. The most powerful tool to reduce identity fraud for companies working with online origination processes is to match the face to that on the identity document.

A challenge for companies evolving from in person service into the online world is confirming the validity person requesting services. Facial matching helps bridge this divide while also empowering your company to safely, securely and confidently provide 24/7 services.

Liveness Testing

Enhance facial matching with confirmation that the face on the screen is a live human being. Criminals with stolen identity documents often have the means of circumventing facial matching.

Ensuring that a live human being is in the camera creates a more rigorous fraud prevention threshold and more viable origination processes.

Address, Email & Phone

Confirm that addresses, email and mobile phone numbers supplied are real and can receive deliveries or messages. Information that is obtained from identity documents may be not be current. Ensure validity with almost instantaneous confirmation of addresses, emails and mobile numbers.

Addresses, emails and mobile numbers can be obtained and confirmed early in your origination workflow. By adding a validity test, a gating event is created in the origination process. This ultimately reduces cost per application.

We Don't Keep Data

The data you provide us with is only used temporarily and is never stored or shared. At all times, data is encrypted and conforms to Canadian and US privacy laws and standards.