OTP Styled Verification

Confirm the validity of Canadian bank accounts quickly and effectively. Similar to one time password (OTP) verification, ensure the existence of any bank account.

Any Canadian bank account
Automated 24/7 availability
Simple user driven functionality

Bank account confirmation instantaneously connects to a personal or business bank account with a micro deposit. Empower the owner of the bank account to confirm that the account information is correct. Deliver real time confirmation without requiring third party login information or overly invasive privacy policies.

Confirm before Depositing

When using deposit services or software, recovering funds deposited into the wrong bank account can be costly and time consuming. Confirming before you deposit is a prudent. Remove the cost and risk to your business by ensuring the validity of the information provided before releasing funds.

This service is particularly beneficial for businesses where deposit errors can be damaging to your business's credibility. When working with high value clientele or large denomination deposits, accuracy is key. Ensure the bank accounts you deposit into are correct each and every time.

Collect from the Correct Account

Businesses that withdraw funds from customer accounts do so because it is less expensive and cuts processing times - compared to payment services such as credit cards. Banks charge exorbitant fees when there are insufficient funds (NSF) in the target bank account. NSF fees charged due to errors impact the cost effectiveness of direct withdrawals. Reduce the cost of implementing new relationships by validating bank account information before commencing.

We Don't Keep Data

The data you provide us with is only used temporarily and is never stored or shared. At all times, data is encrypted and conforms to Canadian and US privacy laws and standards.