Cost Efficient

The lowest cost & most efficient confirmation (IDV) service in North America.

You Know Your Customer, Manage Their Journey

No one knows your customers better than you. Create your own origination process. Ensure the user experiences you create are unique to your business. Let Origin Confirmed focus on the task of identity verification (IDV).

Build onboarding experiences for bank accounts, payment processing, commercial lending, mortgages, medical or government services. We will confirm the data collected and provide the most accurate decision making criteria possible.

KYB • Know Your Business

Legal status, registered offices and directors. Operational viability and internet presence. Shareholder identification and financial statement analysis. Confirm addresses and email.

KYC • Know Your Client

Canadian and US driver's licenses and identity documents plus international passports. Facial recognition and liveness testing. Confirm addresses, email and mobile devices.

AML • Anti Money Laundering

United Nations Security Council watch list. Canadian sanctions list. US Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list.

Identify With Ease

We are committed to being the most cost effective and efficient identity validation (IDV) service in Canada and the United States.

Whether you are an origination service or a business building your own onboarding user experience, let Origin Confirmed validate the data you collect.

Banks, credit unions, mortgage brokers, commercial lenders, payment gateways, medical service providers and government agencies can all benefit from the improved decision making data we enable.

Contact us to find out how Origin Confirmed can reduce your costs while improving the quality of the data you collect.

It's Your Data • We Don't Keep It • We Confirm It

The data you provide us with is only used temporarily and is never stored or shared. At all times, data is encrypted and conforms to Canadian and US privacy laws and standards.